iScience, a new interdisciplinary journal by Cell Press

Dorota Badowska 博士

Scientific Editor, iScience, Cell Press


   Interdisciplinary research has a great potential to advance science, but faces many specific challenges. Among them, finding the right place to publish interdisciplinary findings can be challenging. To promote and increase the visibility of interdisciplinary research, Cell Press launched iScience, a new open access journal that aims to fill this gap. Dorota Badowska, an iScience editor, will present the scope and the goals of the journal and explain how manuscripts are processed from submission till publication.

日時: 2019年09月03日(火) 17:00~18:30
場所: 理学部3号館4F 412室
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)