

Development, Assessment, and Expansion of Models for 2H/13C-Metabolic Flux Analysis In Vivo

Dr. Jamey D Young

Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Molecular Physiology & Biophysics, Vanderbilt University


Isotope-based modeling of liver citric acid cycle and gluconeogenic fluxes in vivo is performed through a parsimonious balance of measurements and assumptions. Our lab previously developed a novel microscale method to quantitatively assess hepatic metabolism in conscious, unrestrained mice through simultaneous intravenous infusions of three stable isotopes. Metabolic fluxes were determined through GC-MS analysis of a 40μL plasma glucose sample, followed by model-enabled flux regression. This was the first study that demonstrated the ability to estimate hepatic fluxes in vivo based on plasma sample volumes that can be readily collected from a conscious mouse. The methodology has been applied to investigate the effects of AMPK knockout, exercise, and fatty liver disease progression in mice. However, recent publications by leading groups have debated the validity of key in vivo assumptions regarding isotope-specific assessments of liver metabolism. These groups contend that metabolic perturbations associated with the administration of 13C-labeled lactate or propionate tracers give rise to different estimates of liver citric acid cycle (CAC) and anaplerotic fluxes. Therefore, we examined the controversy surrounding these flux estimates using our flexible INCA modeling platform that enables rigorous testing of model assumptions. Fasted C57Bl/6J mice were infused with either [13C3]lactate or [13C3]propionate isotopes, and hepatic fluxes were regressed using models with gradually increasing complexity and relaxed assumptions. We confirmed that liver pyruvate cycling fluxes were incongruent between different 13C tracers in models with conventional assumptions. We then constructed in vivo flux models that included physiological cross-talk between the liver and other tissues. By expanding these models to include increased metabolite labeling information and fewer constraining assumptions, we demonstrated that liver pyruvate cycling estimates were significant using either [13C3]lactate or [13C3]propionate and that inconsistencies in hepatic flux estimates emanate, in part, from peripheral metabolism. To our knowledge, this represents the most rigorous attempt so far to consider inter-organ metabolite trafficking in the analysis of data from in vivo isotope labeling experiments.

日時: 2018年11月12日(月) 17:00~18:30
場所: 理学部3号館4F 412室
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)


Network Strategies for Integrating Omic Data

Dr. Ernest Fraenkel

Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Rapid advances in high-throughput technologies, including next-generation sequencing, proteomics, and metabolomics, are providing exceptionally detailed descriptions of the molecular changes that occur in diseases.However, it has been difficult to use these data to discover new therapeutic insights.Despite their power, each of these methods still only captures a small fraction of the cellular response.Moreover, when different assays are applied to the same problem, they provide apparently conflicting answers.I will show how specific network modeling approaches reveal the underlying consistency of the data by identifying small, functionally coherent pathways linking the disparate observations. These approaches can incorporate extremely sources of information, and have unlocked previously uninterpretable data from untargeted mass-spectrometry of small molecules.

日時: 2018年11月13日(火) 17:00~18:30
場所: 理学部3号館4F 412室
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)



馬場 健史 博士





日時: 2018年09月19日(水) 14:00~15:30
場所: 理学部3号館4F 412室
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)



守田 啓悟 博士




本研究では、CRISPR-Cas9システムとオートファジー活性評価蛍光プローブ用いてゲノムワイドスクリーニングを行った。スクリーニングの結果、新規ATG遺伝子としてTMEM41Bを同定した。TMEM41Bは既知ATGタンパク質であるVMP1と構造的に類似していた。両者とも小胞体に局在する複数回膜タンパク質であり、共通するドメイン(VTTドメイン)を有していた。TMEM41B欠損細胞ではVMP1欠損細胞と同様にオートファゴソーム形成初期で障害が認められた。伸長したオートファゴソーム様の構造は観察されず、初期ATG分子の蓄積と小胞の蓄積が観察された。構造的特徴と表現型が類似していることに加えて、TMEM41BとVMP1はin vivoにおいてもin vitroにおいても結合していることが確認された。加えてTMEM41B欠損細胞のオートファジー不全はVMP1の過剰発現によってレスキューされた。これらの結果からTMEM41BとVMP1は器質的・機能的に相互作用をしながら、オートファゴソーム形成の初期で機能していることが示唆された。

日時: 2018年09月07日(金) 17:00~18:30
場所: 理学部3号館4F 412室
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)


Encoding and decoding dynamic cell signaling: how to build a blood vessel

Dr. Andre Levchenko

Department of Biomedical Engineering and Systems Biology Institute, Yale University


Dynamics of cell signaling can carry important information about the environment and the potential responses to changes in this environment. Furthermore, a single extracellular stimulus can promote diverse behaviors among isogenic cells by differentially regulated signaling networks. We examined Ca2+ signaling in response to VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), a growth factor that can stimulate different behaviors in endothelial cells. We found that altering the amount of VEGF signaling in endothelial cells by stimulating them with different VEGF concentrations triggered distinct and mutually exclusive dynamic Ca2+ signaling responses that correlated with different cellular behaviors. These behaviors were cell proliferation involving the transcription factor NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) and cell migration involving MLCK (myosin light chain kinase). Further analysis suggested that this signal decoding was robust to the noisy nature of the signal input. Ca2+ signaling patterns associated with proliferation and migration were detected during angiogenesis in developing zebrafish. In this talk, I will analyze how the signaling in the network can be balanced through diverse Ca2+ dynamics, and how this dynamics can be robustly decoded and converted into distinct behaviors needed to build a functional blood vessel.

日時: 2018年08月06日(月) 10:00~11:30
場所: 理学部3号館4F 412室
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)



島村 徹平 博士

名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科 システム生物学分野



日時: 2018年07月31日(火) 15:00~16:00 (前のセミナーに引き続き行うため、時間が前後する可能性があります)
場所: 理学部3号館3F 310室
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)



大澤 毅 博士



我々は、低酸素・低栄養・低pHなどの過酷な微小環境に適応しがんが悪性化するしくみを研究してきた。過酷な微小環境でがん細胞を維持する独自の細胞培養法を樹立し、DNA、RNA、代謝産物のオミクスデータの統合的な解析から、(1)低酸素・低栄養で生存したがん細胞は、エピゲノム変化を介して転移・浸潤などがんの悪性化を促進すること(PNAS 2011, Cancer Res. 2013)、(2)低pH環境のがん細胞は、SREBP2を介した酢酸代謝を利用して生き残ること (Cell Reports 2017)、(3)低栄養で高発現する非コード長鎖RNA(JHDM1D-AS1)を発見し、がんの増殖を促進すること(MCB 2017)を報告してきた。


日時: 2018年07月31日(火) 14:00~15:00
場所: 理学部3号館3F 310室
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)


Detecting the tipping points of Diseases by Dynamic Network Biomarkers

Dr. Luonan Chen

Key Laboratory of Systems Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Considerable evidence suggests that during the progression of complex diseases, the deteriorations are not necessarily smooth but are abrupt, and may cause a critical transition from one state to another at a tipping point. Here, we develop a model-free method to detect early-warning signals of such critical transitions (or un-occurred diseases), even with only a small number of samples. Specifically, we theoretically derive an index based on a dynamical network biomarker (DNB) that serves as a general early-warning signal indicating an imminent sudden deterioration before the critical transition occurs. Based on theoretical analyses, we show that predicting a sudden transition from small samples is achievable provided that there are a large number of measurements for each sample, e.g., high-throughput data. We employ gene expression data of three diseases to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. The relevance of DNBs with the diseases was also validated by related experimental data (e.g., liver cancer, lung injury, influenza, type-2 diabetes) and functional analysis. DNB can also be used for the analysis of nonlinear biological processes, e.g., cell differentiation process.

日時: 2018年07月17日(火) 14:00~15:30
場所: 理学部3号館4F 412室
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)


クロマチン組成変化から考える細胞分化能制御 ~トランスクリプトミクスの新たな展開~

大川 恭行 博士



骨格筋分化の過程では、ゲノム上に存在する2-3万もの遺伝子から特定遺伝子の発現が選択され、形質を獲得に必要なmRNAが転写される。この選択的な遺伝子発現はクロマチン構造により制御されている。遺伝子発現の過程で、まず特定の種類のヒストンが選択的に遺伝子の制御領域(プロモーター、エンハンサー等)に取り込まれる。その後時系列に従い、個々の様々なヒストン修飾からクロマチン高次構造変換に至る一連のクロマチン構造制御が行われる。しかしながら、その起点であるヒストン選択の機構については未だ不明な点が多い。従来3種のヒストンH3H3.1/H3.2, H3.3知られていたが、2015年に我々はマウス、ヒト新規H3バリアント(亜種)遺伝子群13種(ヒト3種)を新たに同定した。この成果は、生体内での遺伝子発現には、より複雑かつ緻密なヒストンH3の選択機構が関わっている可能性を示唆している。以来、新規ヒストン遺伝子のノックアウトマウスを網羅的に作成し、各ヒストンバリアントの機能解析を進めてきた。現在までに骨格筋組織に高発現するヒストンH3バリアントが骨格筋再生能維持に関わっていることを見出している。本講演では現在までに得ている知見とともに、骨格筋組織内の少数細胞の遺伝子発現制御解析を可能にしたトランスクリプトミクス技術も合わせて紹介したい。

日時: 2018年07月19日(木) 17:00~18:30
場所: 理学部3号館4F 412室
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)


Cellular Variability and Information Flow in Signal Transduction Networks

Dr. Roy Wollman

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles

Signaling networks act as sensors, or measurement devices, that encode information on the extracellular environment that can be decoded by cellular effectors to allow cells to respond to environmental changes appropriately. Experimental single-cell measurements of signaling responses indicated a high level of response variability raising the possibility that cellular responses are limited in their biochemical accuracy. I will discuss our efforts to examine the question of the accuracy of cellular signal transduction networks in the context of the encoding-decoding paradigm. Can cells utilize multivariate encoding to increase accuracy? Is encoding or decoding step is the rate limiting in term of information flow? And to what degree does preexisting cellular state plays a role in how information is transmitted? Gaining a deeper understanding of these questions can help understand how the structure of signaling network plays a role in their functional role to allow cells to respond to changes in their environment.

日時: 平成30年07月02日(月) 17:00~18:30
場所: 理学部3号館4F 412室
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)