

Dissecting cell identity via network inference and in silico gene perturbation

神元 健児 博士




Recent technological advances in single-cell sequencing enable the acquisition of multi-dimensional data in a high-throughput manner. These technologies reveal the existence of heterogeneity and the diversity of cell states and identities. To dissect the regulatory mechanisms underlying such phenomena, many computational methods to infer Gene regulatory Networks (GRNs) have been proposed. However, understanding biological events from a GRN perspective remains difficult. Even if a computational algorithm can infer GRN models, the biological network is so complex that it is challenging to understand how it systematically dictates cell identities. There is significant demand for new methodologies that bridge the gap between cellular phenotypes and the underlying GRN model. Thus, we have developed a new computational method, CellOracle, for the inference and analysis of GRNs. CellOracle first infers sample-specific GRN configurations from single-cell RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data by utilizing machine learning algorithms and genetic information. Our GRN models are designed to be used for the simulation of cell identity changes in response to gene perturbation. This simulation enables network configurations to be interrogated in relation to cell-fate regulation, facilitating their interpretation. We validate the efficacy of CellOracle to recapitulate known outcomes of well-characterized gene perturbations in developmental processes, including mouse and human hematopoiesis. We also apply CellOracle to zebrafish embryogenesis, systematically perturbing transcription factors and experimentally validating key candidates, identifying a novel mechanism that regulates cell identity in axial mesoderm development. Our validation results demonstrate the efficacy of our new approach to infer and interpret the dynamics of GRN configurations, promoting new mechanistic insights into the regulation of cell identity.

日時: 2025年3月4日(火)  15:00 – 17:30
場所: Zoom and Room 412, Faculty of Science Building 3, University of Tokyo
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

info.kuroda-lab [at] bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp


Tackling biological context, one network at a time: Examples from network biology and network pharmacology

Dr. Arda Halu

Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital



Networks have proven time and again to be highly versatile tools in modeling biological interactions, finding useful applications in basic and clinical research alike. In the majority of these applications, however, the inherently context-specific nature of these interactions remains largely unaccounted for, despite increasingly granular and multi-dimensional biomedical data. In this seminar, I will present two network-based methods that we have recently developed to address, in a context-aware manner, present challenges related to computational drug discovery and cellular signaling. I will first talk about our method that uses a large-scale pharmacogenomic database to build over 50 cell type-specific gene-perturbation networks and integrates these networks with diverse disease phenotypes and cheminformatic data for a nested prioritization of cell lines and perturbations. I will demonstrate that our method outperforms currently available techniques in terms of predictive power and offers the potential to be a feasible blueprint for a cell type-specific drug discovery and repositioning platform. I will then switch over to a recently published multilayer network-based statistical framework from our lab that uses high-dimensional edges, or multilinks, to model crosstalk between signaling pathways. I will show that using statistically overrepresented multilinks as proxies of crosstalk results in better identification of signaling crosstalk compared to single layer-based methods, suggesting the utility of the multilayer modeling of signaling crosstalk, with potential future applications to extend our approach to tissue- and disease-specific crosstalk.

日時: 2024年5月22日(水)22:00 – 23:00
場所: Zoom 
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

info.kuroda-lab [at] bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp


Disrupted circulating metabolite exchange across organs by the Western diet

Dr. Cholsoon Jang

Department of Biological Chemistry, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA.


Mammalian organs convert dietary nutrients into circulating metabolites and share them to maintain whole body metabolic homeostasis. The most famous example is the Cori cycle between liver and muscle for glucose-lactate exchange. However, our understanding of this fundamental process is limited to only a few metabolites, organs and conditions. To comprehensively explore this process and obtain novel insights into disease connections, here we employed arteriovenous (AV) metabolomics using unconventional animal model (pigs) and high-resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. We systematically elucidated the pre- and post-prandial metabolic exchanges across 10 organs in pigs fed either a normal or a high-fat/high-sucrose diet (HFHS). Our analysis detected a total of 1304 (normal) and 1369 (HFHS) statistically significant metabolite exchange events across organs. In pigs-fed a normal diet, metabolite exchanges are evenly distributed across organs during fasting whereas postprandial metabolism (at 30 and 60 min after feeding) primarily occurs in the gastrointestinal organs but also happen in other peripheral organs. Such inter-organ dynamics return to fasting-like conditions at 120 min after feeding, reflecting metabolic homeostasis achieved. In contrast, feeding the HFHS diet just for 2 weeks severely attenuated postprandial inter-organ metabolic exchanges. Metabolic pathway analysis revealed that the most significantly changed circulating metabolites are cholesterols, ceramides, and bile acids, all of which are well-known cardiovascular disease risk factors. These metabolites are aberrantly produced and released by multiple organs only in pigs fed the HFHS diet. Cross-organ RNA sequencing further revealed ectopically expressed synthesis enzymes and induction of known transcriptional regulators. Altogether, our study reveals previously unrecognized multi-organ landscape of postprandial metabolite trafficking under both normal and diabetogenic dietary conditions and provides potential mechanisms of how HFHS diet enhances cardiovascular disease risks via disrupted cross-organ metabolic homeostasis.

日時: 2023年12月13日 (水) 9:00 – 11:00
場所: Zoom
連絡先:理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

info.kuroda-lab [at] bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp


Disrupted circulating metabolite exchange across organs by the Western diet

Dr. Cholsoon Jang

Department of Biological Chemistry, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA.


Mammalian organs convert dietary nutrients into circulating metabolites and share them to maintain whole body metabolic homeostasis. The most famous example is the Cori cycle between liver and muscle for glucose-lactate exchange. However, our understanding of this fundamental process is limited to only a few metabolites, organs and conditions. To comprehensively explore this process and obtain novel insights into disease connections, here we employed arteriovenous (AV) metabolomics using unconventional animal model (pigs) and high-resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. We systematically elucidated the pre- and post-prandial metabolic exchanges across 10 organs in pigs fed either a normal or a high-fat/high-sucrose diet (HFHS). Our analysis detected a total of 1304 (normal) and 1369 (HFHS) statistically significant metabolite exchange events across organs. In pigs-fed a normal diet, metabolite exchanges are evenly distributed across organs during fasting whereas postprandial metabolism (at 30 and 60 min after feeding) primarily occurs in the gastrointestinal organs but also happen in other peripheral organs. Such inter-organ dynamics return to fasting-like conditions at 120 min after feeding, reflecting metabolic homeostasis achieved. In contrast, feeding the HFHS diet just for 2 weeks severely attenuated postprandial inter-organ metabolic exchanges. Metabolic pathway analysis revealed that the most significantly changed circulating metabolites are cholesterols, ceramides, and bile acids, all of which are well-known cardiovascular disease risk factors. These metabolites are aberrantly produced and released by multiple organs only in pigs fed the HFHS diet. Cross-organ RNA sequencing further revealed ectopically expressed synthesis enzymes and induction of known transcriptional regulators. Altogether, our study reveals previously unrecognized multi-organ landscape of postprandial metabolite trafficking under both normal and diabetogenic dietary conditions and provides potential mechanisms of how HFHS diet enhances cardiovascular disease risks via disrupted cross-organ metabolic homeostasis.

連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

info.kuroda-lab [at] bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp



畠山 哲央 博士

東京大学 大学院総合文化研究科 広域科学専攻 助教


これまでの研究では、代謝系の応答を予測するために、Bernhard Ø. Palssonなどによって開発されたconstraint-based modelingが使われることが多かった。この手法では、まず反応の詳細な情報を含む代謝系のモデルを作成し、その最適化問題を解くことによって代謝系がどのような状態を取るのかを予測する。そして、複数の環境間でその最適な状態を比較することで、代謝系の応答を予測する。しかし、これにはいくつかの問題がある。まず、代謝反応の詳細な情報がわからない生物種や細胞種では、そもそも代謝系のモデルを構築すること自体が困難である。また、細胞がどのような目的関数を最適化しているのかを知ることは、原理的に不可能に近い。

Yamagishi, J. F., & Hatakeyama, T. S. (2023). Linear Response Theory of Evolved Metabolic Systems. Physical Review Letters, 131(2), 028401.
Yamagishi, J. F., & Hatakeyama, T. S. (2021). Microeconomics of metabolism: the Warburg effect as Giffen behaviour. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 83(12), 120.

日時: 2023年11月2日(木) 16:00~17:30
場所: Zoom と 会場(東京大学、理学部3号館、412号室)
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

info.kuroda-lab [at] bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp


Insights into starvation-survival of Escherichia coli

Dr. Markus Basan

Department of Systems biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA


    Most microbes on earth, whether they live in the ocean, the soil or in animals, are not growing fast, but instead struggling to survive. Some genes and environmental conditions affecting starvation survival have been identified, but despite almost a century of study, we do not know which processes lead to irreversible loss of viability, which maintenance processes counteract them and how lifespan is determined from the balance of these opposing processes. We found that a lack of nutrients results in the collapse of ion homeostasis, triggering a positive-feedback cascade of osmotic swelling and membrane permeabilization that ultimately results in lysis. Based on these findings, we showed that ion transport is the major energetic requirement for starving cells and the primary determinant of cell death. We developed a simple mathematical model that integrates ion homeostasis and nutrient recycling to predict death rate under diverse conditions, such as changes of cell size, medium composition, and prior growth conditions. Guided by model predictions, we found that cell death during starvation could be rescued by replacing inorganic ions from the medium with a non-permeating osmo-protectant, removing the cost of ion homeostasis. 

日時: 2023年9月21日(木) 21:00~22:00
場所: Zoom 
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

info.kuroda-lab [at] bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp


Metabolism, cellular decisions and the language that unites them

Dr. Jared Rutter

Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry, University of Utah School of Medicine


     Mitochondria are dynamic and complex organelles that play a central role in all aspects of
biology, including energy production, intermediary metabolism, and apoptosis. These broad
cellular functions also place mitochondria as a central player in human health and disease.
We have focused recently on deciphering the biochemical and cellular functions of conserved
uncharacterized mitochondrial proteins. This has revealed new mechanisms for several
critical aspects of mitochondrial function, including the Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier
(MPC), which is required for efficient mitochondrial pyruvate uptake. By perturbing the
metabolic program of cells, MPC manipulation profoundly affects cellular decisions impacting
stem cell homeostasis and uncontrolled proliferation. This observation suggests that
metabolism is not a passive bystander in determining the behavior of cells, but instead plays a
decisive role. One of our current areas of focus, which will be discussed, is to determine the
mechanisms whereby metabolism and metabolites affect behaviors via direct modulation of
proteins involved in signaling, transcription and other regulatory mechanisms. As we
discover these mechanisms, which we hypothesize to be extensive within biology, we will be
enabled to impinge on such phenomena for therapeutic benefit in many disease states.

日時: 2023年7月4日(火) 9:00~10:30
場所: Zoom 
ホスト:黒田 真也


A state of partial Rb inactivation and intermediate E2F activation safeguards proliferation commitment

Dr. Yumi Konagaya (Ida)

Department of Cell & Developmental Biology, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA


     Many biological processes such as tissue repair, immune defense, and cancer progression rely on a vital cellular decision of whether to proliferate or stay in quiescence. Mammalian cells commit to proliferation by triggering a positive feedback whereby the transcription factor E2F activates cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2), which phosphorylates the E2F inhibitor retinoblastoma (Rb) leading to a further increase in E2F activity to express the genes necessary for proliferation. How cells manage to trigger the positive feedback only when needed is a fundamental question since positive feedbacks can inadvertently amplify small perturbations. We use single-cell analysis of E2F and CDK2 activity dynamics to determine how cells control the positive feedback to safeguard proliferation commitment. Strikingly, cells spend variable times of a few hours to over 20 hours in a reversible state of intermediate E2F activity. The intermediate E2F activity is proportional to the amount of phosphorylation of an evolutionary conserved Threonine 373 (T373) site in Rb. In this seminar, I will discuss a dedicated molecular state of intermediate E2F activation in which cells integrate fluctuating signals to reliably decide whether to disengage or fully engage the positive feedback that flips the Rb-E2F switch and initiates cell proliferation.

日時: 2023年2月20日(月) 13:30~15:00
場所: Zoom と 会場(東京大学、理学部3号館、412号室)
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

info.kuroda-lab [at] bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp



西 羽美 博士

お茶の水女子大学 基幹研究院 准教授(クロスアポイントメント)

東北大学 大学院情報科学研究科 准教授



日時: 2023年2月17日(金) 13:30~14:30
場所: Zoom
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

info.kuroda-lab [at] bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp



深津 武馬 博士

産業技術総合研究所 生物プロセス研究部門・首席研究員

(兼務)東京大学大学院 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 教授(兼任)
    筑波大学大学院 生命環境科学系 教授(連携大学院)
    戦略的創造研究推進事業 総括実施型研究(ERATO) 深津共生進化機構プロジェクト 研究総括



私たちは近年、特定の難培養性腸内共生細菌が生存に必須なチャバネアオカメムシ [1] において、共生細菌を除去した孵化幼虫に高速進化大腸菌を摂取させ、最も早く羽化した成虫、あるいは最も正常な緑色に近い成虫の腸内に定着していた大腸菌を次世代に接種することを繰り返すことにより、カメムシの成長および生存を有意に支持する能力を有する共生進化大腸菌系統を実験室で進化させることに成功した [2,3,4]。

大腸菌はもっとも理解が進んだモデル生物の1つである。4.6 Mb前後のゲノムに約4,300遺伝子がコードされ、うち約7割に機能情報がある。高度な分子遺伝学技術を自在に適用でき、豊富な遺伝的リソースが利用可能である。もちろんマウスに感染させての機能解析も可能である。このような大腸菌を「昆虫共生細菌化」することによって何ができるようになるのか、その最前線について紹介する。

[1] Hosokawa et al. (2016) Nat Microbiol 1, 15011 https://www.nature.com/articles/nmicrobiol201511
[2] Koga et al. (2022) Nat Microbiol 7, 1141 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41564-022-01179-9
[3] プレス発表「大腸菌を昆虫共生細菌に進化させることに成功」 https://www.aist.go.jp/aist_j/press_release/pr2022/pr20220805/pr20220805.html
[4] 【速報】共生関係の進化を目の前で起こすことに成功 https://youtu.be/xIrw0BQzF5M 


日時: 2022年9月2日(金) 16:00~17:30
場所: Zoom
連絡先: 理学系研究科 生物科学専攻 生物情報科学科
黒田 真也(skuroda AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

info.kuroda-lab [at] bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp