Category: 未分類


iScience, a new interdisciplinary journal by Cell Press Dr.  Dorota Badowska Scientific Editor, iScience, Cell Press Abstract Interdisciplinary research has a great potential to advance science, but faces many specific challenges. Among them, finding the right place to publish interdisciplinary findings can be challenging. To promote and increase the visibility of interdisciplinary research, Cell Press…

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エネルギー代謝とエピゲノムの相互制御 Prof. Takeshi Inagaki Laboratory of Epigenetics and Metabolism, IMCR, Gunma University Date: Sep 6, 2019 (Fri) 17:00—18:30 Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 4F, room 412 Host: Shinya Kuroda (skuroda AT


Multi-omics strategies define a new regulatory node in cardiometabolic disease pathogenesis Dr. Christopher B. Newgard Duke Molecular Physiology Institute, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC USA; Abstract We use multi-omics technologies to investigate metabolic regulatory mechanisms underlying development of cardiometabolic disease phenotypes.  Our work has identified a metabolomic signature of perturbed branched chain amino acid…

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情報量からのシステム生物学へのアプローチ Dr. Shinsuke Uda Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University Date: July 31, 2019 (Wed) 17:00—18:30 Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 4F, room 412 Host: Shinya Kuroda (skuroda AT


消化管ホルモン分泌調節機構の可視化解析 Dr. Takashi Tsuboi Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo Date: Jun 18, 2019 (Tue) 17:00—18:30 Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 4F, room 412 Host: Shinya Kuroda (skuroda AT


「クライオ電子顕微鏡を、あなた自身の研究に生かすには?」 Dr. Masahide Kikkawa Department of Cell Biology & Anatomy, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo Date: May 17, 2019(Fri) 17:00—18:30 Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 4F, room 412 Host: Shinya Kuroda (skuroda AT


膜電位時系列を用いた細胞内分子シグナル伝達の推定 Dr. Yuichi Sakumura Laboratory of Computational Biology, Division of Biological Science, Data science Center, Nara Institute of Science and Technology Date: Jan. 17, 2019(Thr) 17:00—18:30 Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 4F, room 412 Host: Shinya Kuroda(skuroda AT


日本人における2型糖尿病の大規模全ゲノム関連解析 Dr. Momoko Horikoshi Laboratory for Endocrinology, Metabolism and Kidney Diseases, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences Date: Jan. 16, 2019(Thr) 17:00—18:30 Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 4F, room 412 Host: Shinya Kuroda(skuroda AT


逆強化学習による「動物の行動戦略」の解読 Dr. Naoki Honda Laboratory of Theoretical Biology, Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University Date: Dec. 12, 2018(Thr) 17:00—18:30 Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 4F, room 412 Host: Shinya Kuroda(skuroda AT


Development, Assessment, and Expansion of Models for 2H/13C-Metabolic Flux Analysis In Vivo Dr. Jamey D Young Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Molecular Physiology & Biophysics, Vanderbilt University Date: Nov. 12, 2018(Thr) 17:00—18:30 Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 4F, room 412 Host: Shinya Kuroda(skuroda AT