1999. 3
B.A. (Honors) Keio University, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
M.A. Keio University, Graduate School of Media and Governance
Research Associate of Keio University 21st Century COE Program
Research Trainee, National Institute of Neuroscience, Department of Mental Retardation and Birth Defect Research
Visiting Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC
Ph.D. Keio University, Advisor: Masaru Tomita
Keio University (Sakakibara Lab.)
University of Tokyo (Kuroda Lab.)
Research Associate: |
YUGI, Katsuyuki |
contact |
yugi AT bs.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp |

Primers for Mathematical Methods in Systems Biology
Chapter 2
Bifurcation Analysis
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Chapter 5
Flux Balance Analysis
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Chapter 6
Metabolic Control Analysis
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Chapter 9
Deriving Reaction Kinetics from Physics
Chapter 10
Stochastic Simulation Methods
Chapter 11
Multivariate Analysis in Systems Biology
Copyright © 2011 YUGI, Katsuyuki All Rights Reserved.
Yugi, K., Kubota, H, Hatano, A, Kuroda, S.,, "Trans-Omics: How To Reconstruct Biochemical Networks Across Multiple 'Omic' Layers", Trends Biotechnol. 34(4):276-290, 2016.
Yugi, K., Kubota, H., Toyoshima, Y., Noguchi, R., Kawata, K., Komori, Y., Uda, S., Kunida, K., Tomizawa, Y., Funato, Y., Miki, H., Matsumoto, M., Nakayama, K.I., Kashikura, K., Endo, K., Ikeda, K., Soga, T., Kuroda, S.,, "Reconstruction of insulin signal flow from phosphoproteome and metabolome data", Cell Rep. 8(4):1171-1183, 2014.
Akimoto, Y., Yugi, K., Uda, S., Kudo, T., Komori, Y., Kubota, H., Kuroda, S., "The Extraction of Simple Relationships in Growth Factor-Specific Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Systems in Cell-Fate Decisions by Backward Elimination PLS Regression", PLoS ONE 8(9) e72780, 2013.
Noguchi, R., Kubota, H., Yugi, K., Toyoshima, Y., Komori, Y., Soga, T., and Kuroda, S., "The selective control of glycolysis, gluconeogenesis and glycogenesis by temporal insulin patterns", Mol. Syst. Biol. 9:664, 2013.
Yugi K., "Dynamic kinetic modelling of mitochondrial energy metabolism." In: Arjunan, S.N.V., Pawan, K.D, and Tomita, M., eds. E-Cell System: Basic Concepts and Applications. Austin: Landes Bioscience, 2013.
Watanabe, K., Akimoto, Y., Yugi, K., Uda, S., Chung, J., Nakamuta, S., Kaibuchi, K., and Kuroda, S., "Latent process genes for cell differentiation are common decoders of neurite extension length", J. Cell Sci. 125(Pt 9):2198-211, 2012.
Ayukawa, S., Kobayashi, A., Nakashima, Y., Takagi, H., Hamada, S., Uchiyama, M., Yugi, K., Murata, S., Sakakibara, Y., Hagiya, M., Yamamura, M. and Kiga, D. "Construction of a genetic AND gate under a new standard for assembly of genetic parts.", BMC Genomics 11(Suppl 4):S16, 2010.
Jo, H., Yugi, K., Ogawa, S., Suzuki, Y. and Sakakibara, Y. "Molecular basis of chemical chaperone effects of the chemical chaperone N-octyl-β-valienamine on human-β-glucosidase in low/neutral pH conditions", J. Proteomics Bioinform. 3:104-112, 2010.
Matsunaga-Udagawa, R., Fujita, Y., Yoshiki, S., Terai, K., Kamioka, Y., Kiyokawa, E., Yugi, K., Aoki, K. and Matsuda, M. "The scaffold protein Shoc2/SUR-8 accelerates the interaction of Ras and Raf" , J. Biol. Chem. 285(10):7818-26, 2010.
Nakagawa, Y., Yugi, K., Tsuge, K., Itaya, M., Yanagawa, H. and Sakakibara, Y., "Operon structure optimization by random self-assembly", Natural Computing 9(1):173-181 2010.
Ayukawa, S., Kobayashi, A., Nakashima, Y., Takagi, H., Hamada, S., Uchiyama, M., Yugi, K., Murata, S., Sakakibara, Y., Hagiya, M., Yamamura, M. and Kiga, D., "SYANAC: SYnthetic biological automaton for noughts and crosses", IET Synthetic Biology 1(1-2):64-67, 2007.
Ishii, N., Nakahigashi, K., Baba, T., Robert, M., Soga, T., Kanai, A., Hirasawa, T., Naba, M., Hirai, K., Hoque, A., Ho, P.Y., Kakazu, Y., Sugawara, K., Igarashi, S., Harada, S., Masuda, T., Sugiyama, N., Togashi, T., Hasegawa, M., Takai, Y., Yugi, K., Arakawa, K., Iwata, N., Toya, Y., Nakayama, Y., Nishioka, T., Shimizu, K., Mori, H. and Tomita, M., "Multiple high-throughput analyses monitor the response of E. coli to perturbations", Science 316(5824):593-7, 2007.
Yugi, K., Nakayama, Y., Kojima, S. Kitayama, T. and Tomita, M., "A microarray data-based semi-kinetic method for predicting quantitative dynamics of large-scale genetic networks", BMC Bioinformatics 6:299-307, 2005.
Yugi, K., Nakayama, Y., Kinoshita, A. and Tomita, M., "Hybrid dynamic/static method for large-scale simulation of metabolism", Theor. Biol. Med. Model. 2:42-52, 2005.
Yugi, K. and Tomita, M., "A general computational model of mitochondrial metabolism in a whole organelle scale", Bioinformatics 20:1795-1796, 2004. [supplementary]
Takahashi, K., Yugi, K., Hashimoto, K., Yamada, Y., Pickett, C. and Tomita, M., "Computational challenges in cell simulation", IEEE Intelligent Systems 17:64-71, 2002.
Tomita, M., Hashimoto, K., Takahashi, K., Matsuzaki, Y., Matsushima, R., Saito K., Yugi K., Miyoshi, F., Nakano, H., Tanida, S., Saito, Y., Kawase, A., Watanabe, N., Shimizu, T. and Nakayama, Y., "The E-CELL Project: Towards integrative simulation of cellular processes", New Generation Computing 18:1-12, 2000.
Tomita, M., Hashimoto, K., Takahashi, K., Shimizu, T., Matsuzaki, Y., Miyoshi, F., Saito, K., Tanida, S., Yugi K., Venter J.C. and Hutchison, C.A., "E-CELL: Software environment for whole cell simulation", Bioinformatics 15:72-84, 1999.
International Conferences
Nakagawa, Y., Yugi, K., Tsuge, K., Itaya, M., Yanagawa, H. and Sakakibara, Y. "Operon Structure Optimization by Random Self-Assembly" The 14th International Meeting on DNA Computing, Prague, Czech Republic, 2008.
Sakakibara, Y., Nakagawa, H., Nakashima, Y. and Yugi, K. "Implementing in vivo cellular automata using toggle switch and inter-bacterial communication mechanism", BIONETICS2007 Workshop on Computing and Communications from Biological Systems, Budapest, Hungary, 2007.
Tomita, M., Hashimoto, K., Takahashi, K., Shimizu, T., Matsuzaki, Y., Miyoshi, F., Saito, K., Tanida, S., Yugi, K., Venter, J.C. and Hutchison, C.A., "E-CELL: Software Environment for Whole Cell Simulation", Genome Informatics 8:147-155, 1997.
[総説2] 柚木克之, 久保田浩行、黒田真也「トランスオミクスによる代謝制御ネットワークの再構築」, 実験医学 32(8):1215-1222, 2014.
柚木克之, 冨田勝, 「E-Cell」, (今中忠行 監修「ゲノミクス・プロテオミクスの新展開生物情報の解析と応用」pp.920-929, エヌ・ティー・エス刊, 2004 所収)
Michael Snyder Lab., Stanford Univ., 6 Feb. 2012
Bernhald O. Palsson Lab., UC San Diego, 3 Feb. 2012
Lewis Cantley Lab., Harvard Medical School, 27 Jan. 2012
Joshua D. Rabinowitz Lab., Princeton Univ., 26 Jan. 2012
Michiyuki Matsuda Lab., Kyoto Univ., 7 Nov. 2007, "Underlying mechanisms of biochemical oscillations"
Poster Prize, The CREST Seminar "Creation of Fundamental Technologies for Understanding and Control of Biosystem Dynamics", Daiba, Japan, 25 Nov. 2013.
Metabolomic Profiling Forum Young Scientist Poster Prize, 9th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Glasgow, Scotland, 4 Jul. 2013.
Poster Prize, The CREST Exhibition Symposium "The Dynamic Mechanism of and Fundamental Technology for Biological Systems", Akihabara, Japan, 25 Feb. 2013.
Best Cooperation and Collaboration Prize (1st place) and Best Part Prize (Runner-up), International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition 2006, Boston, USA, 6 Nov. 2006