Category: 未分類


Network Strategies for Integrating Omic Data Dr. Ernest Fraenkel Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Date: Nov. 13, 2018(Thr) 17:00—18:30 Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 4F, room 412 Host: Shinya Kuroda(skuroda AT


メタボローム分析技術の最新動向と今後の課題 Dr. Takeshi Bamba Madical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University Date: Sep. 19, 2018(Thr) 14:00—15:30 Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 4F, room 412 Host: Shinya Kuroda(skuroda AT


CRISPR-Cas9システムを利用したゲノムワイドスクリーニングによる新規オートファジー関連分子TMEM41Bの同定 Dr. Keigo Morita Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Graduate School Medicine, The University of Tokyo Date: Sep. 07, 2018(Thr) 17:00—18:30 Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 4F, room 412 Host: Shinya Kuroda(skuroda AT


Encoding and decoding dynamic cell signaling: how to build a blood vessel Dr. Andre Levchenko Department of Biomedical Engineering and Systems Biology Institute, Yale University Dynamics of cell signaling can carry important information about the environment and the potential responses to changes in this environment. Furthermore, a single extracellular stimulus can promote diverse behaviors among…

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生命医科学におけるデータ駆動型科学と異分野融合研究 Dr. Teppei Shimamura Division of Systems Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University Date: Jul. 31, 2018(Thr) 15:00—16:00 (following the previous seminar) Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 3F, room 310 Host: Shinya Kuroda(skuroda AT


ニュートリオミクスから迫るがんの病態解明と治療戦略 Dr. Tsuyoshi Osawa Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo Date: Jul. 31, 2018(Thr) 14:00—15:00 Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 3F, room 310 Host: Shinya Kuroda(skuroda AT


Detecting the tipping points of Diseases by Dynamic Network Biomarkers Dr. Luonan Chen Key Laboratory of Systems Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences Considerable evidence suggests that during the progression of complex diseases, the deteriorations are not necessarily smooth but are abrupt, and may cause a critical transition from one state…

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クロマチン組成変化から考える細胞分化能制御 ~トランスクリプトミクスの新たな展開~ Dr. Yasuyuki Ohkawa Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University Date: Jul. 19, 2018(Thr) 17:00—18:30 Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 4F, room 412 Host: Shinya Kuroda(skuroda AT


Cellular Variability and Information Flow in Signal Transduction Networks Dr. Roy Wollman Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles Signaling networks act as sensors, or measurement devices, that encode information on the extracellular environment that can be decoded by cellular effectors to allow cells to respond to environmental changes appropriately. Experimental single-cell…

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見えないものを「みる」!質量顕微鏡の開発と応用例 Dr. Shuichi Shimma Division of Advanced Science and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University Date: June 14, 2018(Thr) 17:00—18:30 Place: Faculty of Science Bldg.3, 4F, room 412 Host: Shinya Kuroda(skuroda AT